Friday, April 24, 2009

Interesting Keg Information

I know some of my friends are always asking how much beer is in an American Keg so here is the answer.

Keg Volume and Pressure for Standard US Kegs

½ Keg
Holds 15.5 gallons or about 165 12-ounce bottles
Weighs 161-pounds, full
12-13" high with a 16" diameter

¼ Keg
Holds 7.75 gallons or about 82 12-ounce bottles
Weighs 87-pounds, full
24" high with a 16" diameter

1/6 Keg
Holds 5 gallons or about 54 12-ounce bottles
Weighs 55-pounds, full
24" high with an 11" diameter

Note: US keg dimensions may vary slightly by keg manufacturer and brewery. European kegs vary in size, but are similar to US sizes.

--Information from

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